PDF: Data Supply Color grading / post-production
General information
To implement as many operations and decisions as possible, your film project should be supplied in the form of a project of Avid, Adobe Premiere, Resolve or FinalCutPro. Please contact us for any other type of format (EDL, etc.).
We will perform format adaptations, such as speed changes, reframings, etc. In some cases, reframing will have to be done before picture lock and will then be integrated back into the time line.
We require:
- For Avid: only the relevant time lines(s) in one BIN
- For Adobe Premiere: project with the relevant sequence(s) only
- For Resolve: project with the relevant time line(s) only
- For FinalCut: project with the relevant time line(s) only
- A reference QuickTime file of the entire film in QuickTime Prores or QuickTime DNxHD with all (temporary) effects, subtitles and the (temporary) sound mix on no more than two tracks.
- All original clips used in the time line.
Before handing your project over to us, we recommend you send us the sequence without the media per email (info@andromeda.ch) for checking purposes. If you have any questions, please contact us as early as possible in the process.
Time line structure
- Project start with the first frame at time code 01:00:00:00 or 10:00:00:00.
- The timelines should not contain “nested timelines” (timelines in another timeline). In case that this is not possible, please give us a list of the concerning sequences.
- No multicam-clips in the timeline. These have to be transferred into normal clips before exporting.
- Provide a continuous time line without reel separation. Include information about reel separation (if applicable) in the form of a time code list.
- Whenever possible, all clips should be linked to the original files. In case that this is not possible, please put those clips on a separate track (see below)
- In case of an OFFLINE timeline: the names of the files should be the same as the names of the original files.
- Large-file projects can be “consolidated” (Avid or Adobe Premier) or “media-managed” (Resolve or FCP). The minimum length of handles is 50 frames.
- Off-line reframings, precorrections, speed changes, etc. should be left in the project.
- Separate track required for:
- Different frame rate
- Different Resolution (exp: HD, SD, 720p and others)
- Progressive/interlaced
- Credits and lower thirds Subtitles (one track for each language)
- Clips that could not be relinked with the original file
- vfx
- Please supply a list detailing track structure
Example:- Track 1: Original footage 25p 1080
- Track 2: Archive footage PAL (50i)
- Track 3: Archive footage NTSC (60i)
- Track 4: Title
- Track 5: English subtitle
- etc.
Media / hard drives:
- All media used in the time line should ideally be stored in the same folder or in a simple folder structure.
- The hard drives should also have a USB3 interface. They can be PC or Mac formatted.